Fraser Jamieson
Cafe and Restaurant Coffee Consulting
Fraser Jamieson
Cafe and Restaurant Coffee Consulting

Barista Training Workshops

Barista Training Workshops at your cafe.

Customers love to finish their meals with a latte or cappuccino; however, servers are often unsure of their own skills and tend to shy away from recommending them.

Holding barista training workshops at your cafe is a simple solution.

Sessions are held either before opening, or after closing time, to assure a focused learning environment. With a workshop duration of two to three hours your baristas will learn both extraction theory and many practical tips designed to promote production efficiency and beverage quality.

Workshops are especially beneficial to your full time permanent employees who will become qualified to coach your part time and seasonal staff.

Topics covered include:

  1. Backflushing, grouphead cleaning, and portafilter care.
  2. Dosing, grooming, and tamping, with accuracy.
  3. Alternate and mythological tamping theories.
  4. Adjusting the grinder to meet flavour targets.
  5. The purpose of bimodal and trimodal grinding.
  6. Brewing by mass and brewing by volume.
  7. Foam vs. Froth: Steaming milk properly.
  8. Bringing it all together: Making cappuccinos, lattes, and flat whites.

The information presented has no significant connection with the operation of lever-piston espresso machines, super-automatic espresso machines, or pod coffee brewers.


  • Services are invoiced at $60.00 per billable hour.
  • A retainer is required for new projects.
  • Invoices are due upon receipt.
  • Payments may be made in cash or by cheque payable to Fraser Jamieson.

If you have any questions please contact me directly at FraserJamieson@Gmail.Com